ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS have a Next Step with a College Coach!

I can’t stress this point enough that when high school volleyball players communicate with college coaches in ANY way they need to make sure there is a next step. SOMEONE needs to be taking SOME type of action. Whether it’s the college coach OR the player. I actually prefer it’s the player taking action or asking what the next step should be (in a tactful, polite way) so that the player can control this and not wait around for the college coach to respond to the email or call request.

I wrote this article called “10 Steps of the College Volleyball Recruiting Process“, which details the actual steps and flow of the process. As parents of volleyball recruits, the steps in the process are important to understand and the players themselves should also understand the steps. Make them/ask them to read this article! 🙂 Once you understand the steps, then you always want to MOVE FORWARD with a school or MOVE THEM OFF of your list.

3 AREAS of the recruiting process to take ACTION and move forward:


At the end of your emails you OR the college coach need to ALWAYS DO something, ANSWER something, or PLAN something. Note: DO NOT end your emails with non-action oriented statements like, “talk to you later”, “see you soon”, etc!!

  • ANSWER: Please let me know if you need a [GRAD YEAR][POSITION] and if I’m a possible fit for your program. (Based on the highlight video you sent them in the email they will know if you are their level or could make them better).
  • DO: (For a freshman or sophomore before June 15th) Please contact my head coach (or recruiting person at your club) and let them know if you need a [GRAD YEAR][POSITION] and your interest level in me.
  • DO: You would love for them to watch you play and here are your (days/times) you are playing at your next tournament/location.
  • PLAN A CALL: I’m happy to set up a call to learn more about your program. I’m available next week at [DATES/TIMES with time zone].
  • ANSWER: Please let me know what you think would be the best next step? I would love to move forward in the recruiting process.
  • DO: I will be at your match this weekend and try to say hello quickly after the match. I’m excited to watch the team play!
  • PLAN A VISIT: My family and I will be in the area and would love to see the campus and meet you, would that be possible? OR I would love to take a visit this fall! Would a weekend when the team competes at home work for you?
  • ANSWER: Please let me know if it would be a good idea for me to attend your camp or clinic in order for you to better evaluate me for your program!


Before you hang up there needs to be a next action step occurring, for example…

  • Thank the coach for their time on the phone and ask what they think would be the best next step from here?
  • First call is a “get to know you” call, but end it that you will definitely keep in touch and how often should you reach out?
  • Farther along in the process, find out their recruiting timeline for filling the position and what’s the best next step for you?
  • And, along those same lines, where do they see you fitting in their program?
  • Would it be a good idea to talk with the head coach or other coach next?
  • Other actions that can be talked about on a phone call: them watching you play or you watching them and/or a visit?
  • Get my list of QUESTIONS FOR COLLEGE COACHES emailed to you now! ​


Before you leave their campus know what is happening next, especially if no offer was made yet!

  • Know when you will be talking next and to who and how that will be arranged.
  • Know what will be happening next and who will be taking the action.
  • If no offer was made, try to figure out what is standing between you and an offer (for example: another player they are offering? they need to see you play more? they have other players that also need to visit? they need to have a better idea if you will get in to the school academically?)
  • If they offered you a roster spot (walk-on or scholarship) on the visit, you are SUPER excited and need to discuss with your family. Find out how quickly they need to know an answer, then follow that timeline. If you know earlier, let them know! 🙂


  • Recruiting Rule of Thumb: NEVER let the coach be the last one that had contact with you. You are ALWAYS the last one. Even if it’s a NO…you thank them and wish them the best. You always send a thank you email or text after every call, visit, watching you play, you watching them play – almost everything!
  • Another Recruiting Rule of Thumb: ALWAYS respond to a college volleyball coach about anything within 24 hours!

Just by following these 2 simple “Recruiting Rules of Thumb” above, you will move forward and have more control over your recruiting process! Get my College VB Recruiting Checklist right away! 

I hope you have found this article helpful and it gives you confidence and knowledge about what to do next!

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